Chaotic transients in surface-stabilized smectic C* cells induced by magnetic field

Submitted bymonk onчт, 04/12/2018 - 15:21



12 апреля 2018 года в журнале Soft Materials опубликована статья с результатами, соавтором которой являются сотрудник Института механики им. Р.Р. Мавлютова УФИЦ РАН (проф. Н.Г. Мигранов).


Recent theoretical developments regarding the understanding of weakly chaotic transients in ferroelectric liquid crystals (FLCs), induced by electric field, are studied in terms of the interaction with magnetic field. Our research is related with the nonlinear dynamical system represented by a thin film of surface-stabilized FLC in smectic C* phase, and subjected by the swinging magnetic field. The computation of the Lyapunov exponents from the dynamic equation for the director field reveals that the director dynamics exhibits limit cycle, hyperchaotic attractor and strange attractor behavior in the dissipative nonlinear media. The transients between director’s phase space trajectories can be handled by the magnetic field parameters. The fundamental understanding of the director dynamics may have a valuable contribution to the applications of thin liquid crystal films.


DOI: 10.1080/1539445X.2018.1461651

Aleksey Kudreyko & Nail G. Migranov (2018): Chaotic transients in surface-stabilized smectic C* cells induced by magnetic field // Soft Materials. 2018.